Monday, December 14, 2009

cd design

Monday, November 30, 2009

This is my finished project

These are my first designs

The title is bold and unique. The focus is the band and the image fits the screen tightly. The pose works well with the light yellow color of the background.

This works because its asymmetrical and bold. The background color has faded colors in it. Then the artists name and cd title are in the same color.

This works because the name of the band pops and is easy to read. Then the title is in red.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Monday, October 19, 2009

poor poster

This image is to busy for me..I dont know what it is about and its confusing.. the type is super small.

I believe this is a good example. The title really sticks out and it gives the right amount of info. I also like the way they put the 0's over the eyes.

Monday, September 28, 2009

After several tries, i finally got the design to work. I really liked how this turned out!!

Monday, September 14, 2009


1. It allows the picture to become more dynamic or static depending on the location.

2. Representational shapes come from a realistic picture or image while an abstract shape is distorted or transformed from the original shape or idea it came from.

3. Emphasis by Isolation, placement, and contrast.

4. Anomaly tends to stand out.

5. The eye will wonder around the page, there is no place to bring the picture together.

6. Its what attracts the audiance to the poster or display. By using emphasis it allows the designer to display the image clear and allows it to stand out more.

7. They are both important. A stong focal point attracts attention and increases visual and conceptual impact.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


This one I did today. Its in the same style as the other one. I felt so happy about my relationship with my fiance that I had to express it on paper. It has his name and middle and last initial. I really like the heart design with the bubbles and the swirls. March 26 is when we started dating.

I love to doodle and this is one I did before my first speech. I was so nervous that I could not keep my hands still. There is a heart in there that is exploding, cause that is how my heart felt. I drew the flower to see if that would calm me down but it didn't. There is a bunch going on in there and its hard to look and see all the details.

Well, this one I did in my photography class. She was talking about some pictures and how some of the artists experience what they photograph. So i came up with this little dude with a camera for a head.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

About Sketching

So I have some sketches to put on my page but Im having problems uploading them.